My Blog
The Empath's Guide to Navigating a World of Intense Emotions
How to Harness Your Empathic Abilities and Build Emotional Resilience
As an empath, you know that navigating a world filled with intense emotions can be challenging. From feeling overwhelmed in crowded spaces to absorbing the emotions of the people around you, being an empath can sometimes feel like a burden.
However what if I told you that your empathic abilities are actually a gift? With the right tools and mindset, you can not only survive in a world of intense emotions but thrive and make a po…
My Why!
To share 'My Why' I feel I need to get into the nitty gritty of what truly drives me to show up, even though there have been times when I just wanted to give up.
After creating time over the past 12 months to reflect and delve deeply into 'My Why', I discovered much more than I anticipated.
I felt to write this blog that it would be best if I let go of what 'should be' and make way for 'what is' to flow freely.
To allow this to happen I'm writing the remainder of this blog via automatic writi…
The 7 Top Habits of Happy and Successful People
What’s your go-to response when you’re feeling super excited about life AND then someone shoots down your hopes and dreams with one unkind comment?
Do you crumble?
Does it inspire you to confidently follow your heart and continue to shine brightly?
Here’s why I mention it…
I was recently working with Julia, who is a Life Coach and she was feeling confused, hurt and completely disillusioned.
Julia is an incredibly intuitive, funny and wise soul who also identifies herself as a Plus Size …
How One Woman Discovered How to Rise Up and Own Her Uniqueness
Picture this…
You keep experiencing a repetitive nightmare.
You’re drowning, you’re gripped with fear, you’re confused, and you don’t know which way is up!
It’s a recurring nightmare that’s haunted you for years!
Each time you awaken from the nightmare you’re completely exhausted!
Here’s the thing
Kelly reached out to me as she was at her wits end.
The nightmares were taking their toll on her physically, emotionally and mentally.
The effects were rippling out into her everyday life and s…
I'd Like to Make a Confession
Everyone Has a Story!
I’m unsure about you, although when it comes to sharing personal experiences or intimate details about my life it can sometimes feel ‘just a teeny tiny little bit uncomfortable’.
And yet, sharing our stories can have a delightfully positive impact on the lives of others!
I know that I personally learn, grow and understand my Self more deeply from listening to the stories of other beautiful souls.
They help me to know that I’m never alone on my journey!
They gently rem…
The Easiest Way to Raise Your Vibration!
Have you ever heard that ‘You Need to Raise Your Vibration’?
Raising your vibration is imperative for your health, well-being, success, spiritual growth and happiness.
Although, you may be wondering…
What is the No. 1 way to raise your vibration?
Can it really be ‘Easy Peasy’?
The answer is simple!
Do something that makes you HAPPY!!
You may have heard that you need to: -
· Meditate
· Soak in a warm bath with candles flickering amidst the beautiful scents of essentia…
10 Signs it's Time to Book a Mentoring Session and 'Get Your Mojo BACK'!
Are you feeling as though ‘Your Mojo just got up and left’?!
Do you even know what your Mojo is?
My meaning of Mojo…your magical essence, happiness, confidence and beautiful bright light that shines from within.
The feeling of losing your #Mojo can come on gradually OR it can hit you like a ton of bricks!
I’ve certainly known that feeling!
I’ve known darkness, I’ve experienced incredible fatigue, I’ve wanted to run away from my life and never come back, I’ve felt as though there are no opti…
What I Learnt About 'Self Love' Over The Last Decade
I’ve had times over the past 10 years when I’ve learnt about Self Love, the HARD WAY!
Ooo!! Yeah!!
I’ve been through times when I was mentally, spiritually and physically burnt out AND emotionally drained!
Does this sound familiar to you?
My most recent experience was late in 2019 when my body eventually screamed at me to STOP!!
I ended up spending a couple of weeks on the lounge, barely functioning! Hahaha!
I can laugh about it now BUT not back then!
Woah! It was incredibly uncomf…
Are You On The Right Path?
A question I'm often asked by my clients is...
Am I on the right path?
Knowing if you're on the right path can certainly come with challenges!
Why I hear you ask?
Sometimes things are not as they seem!
Are you feeling -
- really uncomfortable
- unsure what the next step is; or
- a little overwhelmed
Maybe you're -
- being influenced by others
- ignoring the signs (red flags) that are popping up along the way; or
- completely unaware of where you are even at in your life because you’re too …
A Checklist for Easily and Effortlessly Living Mindfully
I’ve discovered that the ripple effects that come with living #mindfully are truly inspiring! Living mindfully helps you to enjoy better relationships, be healthier, happier AND more #successful.
Mindfulness really can be easy, simple and fun!
Here’s a Checklist to help you easily and effortlessly live mindfully.
Meditate – Even one conscious breath can be a meditation. Just in this moment, inhale a gentle breath…and as you exhale, relax your shoulders and allow yourself to simply ‘BE’.