My Blog


What is Mindfulness?


When I think of Mindfulness, I think of inhaling a gentle breath, the breeze in my hair, the sound of birds tweeting AND the smell of oranges!

Yes, oranges!

Cos oranges make me smile, my mouth water and the smell also triggers beautifully fresh, happy and vibrant thoughts in my mind which then brings me back to the present moment.

What’s the first thought that pops into your mind when you think of something that makes YOU smile and inspires happy thoughts?

In keeping Mindfulness easy, simple…

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The Top 3 Take-Aways I Discovered from Gifting Jimmy Barnes a Copy of My Book

Jimmy Barnes-min

In October 2017, Jimmy Barnes graciously accepted the very first autographed copy of my book ‘Hidden Secrets of Self Healing’.

It had been a long and challenging journey getting to this point. For me, writing the book was no easy task!

It was 2 weeks prior to my own Book Launch and #JimmyBarnes was touring Australia sharing Book Signing events.

On the morning Jimmy was due to be at Robina Town Centre on the Gold Coast, I sensed a gentle whisper in …

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